The Canadian Accreditation Council (CAC) is a non-profit organization that has itself been accredited by the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) through the ISQua External Evaluation Association, the leading international health care evaluation program. We are knowledgeable, experienced, and truly committed to helping your organization succeed. With over 40 years of experience, we are proud to serve a broad range of health and human service programs throughout Canada.
While our standards are reviewed and updated every 4 years, CAC’s background story began in 1974 as a part of the Alberta Association of Services for Children and Families (AASCF), now ALIGN. At that time, a Standards Development Project was initiated, grounded in the belief that the evaluation of the quality and success of child welfare programs could only begin after the development of a set of standards. In 1978, the first set of standards were released, titled Standards for Child Care. Three decades later, in 2004, as the project grew large enough to become its own independent body, CAC was founded and assumed responsibility for standards and the accreditation process.

National Expansion and ISQua Accreditation
Over the next several years, CAC stepped onto the national stage by providing accreditation to organizations in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario. During that period, we also expanded our services to include accreditation of health programs, adult programs, and the Calgary Homeless Foundation. In 2012 and 2013 CAC gained our first ISQua accreditations for our standards and our organization as a whole, respectively. Since that point, CAC has continued forward on an upwards trajectory, growing and expanding our services to continue to provide the best standards and processes to all organizations we accredit.